Monday, January 31, 2011

Review: The Crown Conspiracy

The Crown Conspiracy (The Riyria Revelations, #1)The Crown Conspiracy by Michael J. Sullivan

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I stumbled upon this as I found a link to a free audio copy (CCL).

It reminded me very much of books I read quite a bit back by Gary Gygax, Fred Saberhagen and Fritz Leiber.

It's what I would call a classic fantasy story, with unlikely heroes who are capable of pretty much anything and can't help but banter every now and again.

I won't call it great or complex, but it was a fun read and ended too soon for my liking.

View all my reviews


  1. Hey Martin, Thanks for reading and posting about The Crown Conspiracy - I'm Robin, the wife of the author. I hope you'll look into others in the series as this is, as you pointed out, a quick fun romp and the real meat starts in book #2 Avempartha.

    Again, Glad you found it enoyable - and there's lots more where that came from ;-O

  2. Haven't yet read it myself, but I've heard only good things about it. Several of my groups on GR have read it as a book of the month, so I've seen a fair bit of discussion on it.
    See you on GR! - Carolyn

  3. Hi Robin,

    I'll definitely pick up Avempartha and probably The Crown Conspiracy as well. This as I didn't actually read the book, but listened to the Creative Common(?) version that you husband published, so please let him know that it worked in at least one case. I like to have all the books if I'm reading a series.
    I got me quite nostalgic as it's the type of fantasy that sucked me into the genre to begin with. A genre that at the time wasn't widely known and translated to my native tongue (Swedish), but times have certainly changed and for the better.
    Sorry for the late reply, but something is apparently not working with my notifications from this blog.

  4. Hi Carolyn,

    It's worth a read and as Robin put it, it's "a quick fun romp".
    If you can't find it at the local library then the author has publish an audio version here,
    If you like it and plan to continue the series after that then please consider supporting the author by buying the first book as well.
